An invoice for an order comes in or an owner changes their address: The inventory data must now be updated in the management systems. The assignment and filing of documents is now also on the agenda. Previously, property managers Vera and Andreas Jungnickel had to enter the new data separately: in the CRM system facilioo and in their old management software. "Maintaining the data in our systems always took a lot of time. Because the programs didn't communicate with each other," says Vera Jungnickel from Gärtringen in Baden-Württemberg.
The annoying data entry has now come to an end: the entrepreneurs have been working with Impower for more than a year. Impower and the CRM system exchange data and documents via a modern interface, in real time and in both directions.

Our digital platform enables owners and tenants to access important information and documents at any time.
The Swabian property managers rely on several programs instead of just one all-in-one software. Their motto: core competencies instead of compromises.
Because rarely can one system do everything, especially not in high quality. Instead, the digital future of property management lies in modern systems that are networked via interfaces. The ERP and accounting system is at the heart of the system landscape. It is cloud-based and connected to customer portals, process management, Microsoft Office and document management systems (DMS) thanks to bidirectional interfaces. This enables workflows that are seamless.

The problem, however, is that up to now there have only been ERP systems that allow one-way data transfers to other programs. These systems are often outdated and do not fit into a modern working environment. With Impower, a new era of open and bidirectional interfaces is dawning. Collaboration with the casavi portal also works smoothly; all changes in Impower are transferred directly to casavi. "Thanks to casavi's modern interfaces, it was easy to import objects from casavi or integrate casavi processes into Impower right from the start," says Thomas Klews, founder of Impower. casavi CEO Peter Schindlmeier also praises the cooperation between the systems: "Impower is the perfect partner for casavi because it is also a web-based system. Users can easily move back and forth between the two browser windows."
Another proven partner is etg24: tenants and owners can change their contact details themselves in etg24. They are also automatically updated in Impower. A real novelty on the market. "Impower is the first ERP with which we have implemented a bidirectional interface," says Bernhard Preißer, founder and Managing Director of etg24. "A bidirectional interface like this opens up completely new possibilities for property managers to take even more work off their hands in the future."
When owners or tenants change, old contracts are terminated in etg24 and new contracts are created. New tenants or owners can be contacted directly and invited to the portal; service providers are informed when properties are taken over. This saves an enormous amount of working time.

The networked systems are not just limited to passing on data, they also enable cross-platform workflows: Let's say you receive a report of a burst water pipe from an owner. A plumber is commissioned via incident management and the damage is reported to the insurance broker; in Impower, the incident is automatically displayed to the owner and the affected house.
As soon as the tradesman's invoice arrives, Impower recognizes the property - and all important invoice data - via integrated text recognition. The accountant can automatically link the invoice to the transaction and the property managers can check and approve the invoice. This enables proper invoice verification. Once posted, the invoice is also automatically stored in the correct invoice folder in linked DMS systems such as Microsoft Sharepoint. Once posted, correctly filed in three systems.
"Impower was already designed as an interface system in its basic architecture. This means that any software can be connected," says Impower CEO Klews. He adds: "We also believe that the customer data belongs to the administrators - and not to us as the ERP. That's why every customer has full access to their data and the interfaces are always open". In addition to facilioo, casavi and etg24, Microsoft Office, Caya, develop and ePost are also networked with the system. The interfaces are included free of charge with Impower.
With the standard connection to ePost, serial letters and invitations are created directly in Impower and forwarded digitally to Deutsche Post - at the touch of a button. Deutsche Post prints the letters, stamps them and sends them out.

"Our old all-in-one software did everything ourselves, for example the customer portal and document management. But we didn't like them," says administrator Andreas Jungnickel. The program was too complex and complicated. The administrators opted for the new software from Impower. "The main reason for the decision was the open interfaces, especially to facilioo."
In addition to Impower and facilioo, the Jungnickels also work with DocuWare for data backup. "With the three systems, we are in a great position all round. Each program is perfect in its own area, so we can manage everything cleanly," says Vera Jungnickel.
When setting up a new system landscape, Andreas Jungnickel initially recommends Impower. "A property management company friend of ours, which we are currently helping to set up, was looking for tips on which software to start with. Clearly Impower," says the property manager. "You can expand and add to it later with other software partners."