Learn from the
experts from the industry

Learn from our free, real-world webinars how to automate workflows very easily with the right processes and appropriate tools (from Microsoft Sharepoint and Outlook to billing software and portals) to save valuable work time and money.

Jürgen Forscht
Moderator - Property Manager - Impower COO
Our partners - a trusting cooperation

The next webinar will take place soon

Automate inboxes and benefit from e-invoices



Daily mail processing costs property managers a lot of time, especially the subsequent search for documents. Many administrations still work with double filing: digital and paper. This is unnecessary and inefficient. In this webinar, you will learn how to efficiently digitize your inbox with the right strategy and the right tools. We provide concrete solutions, show best practices and explain how you can optimally integrate your existing systems (e.g. Impower, Microsoft 365, SharePoint).
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Choose a date and participate. We are already looking forward to seeing you.

Success factors for managers: know the levers, increase profitability



Learn in 90 minutes, based on practical examples, which key figures you should collect and know as a property manager. What benchmarks are, which key figures property managers achieve that generate profits and what the most important levers are to increase efficiency and thus profitability in your own company.
Participate free of charge

Prevent time wasters in real estate management



Today, no real estate management company can afford to waste time. And yet there is still a lot of potential for eliminating time wasters typical of the industry across all processes. In this joint webinar, the experts from Impower and Getmomo would like to give you suggestions on how you and your team can save valuable working time.
Participate free of charge

BVI: Munich Administrator Days



You can look forward to two days full of practical presentations, current topics and exciting discussions! The 17th Munich Property Management Days will shed light on key challenges such as the reformed Building Energy Act, the use of artificial intelligence in property management and legal issues relating to condominium and tenant management. You can also take the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts and colleagues and gain valuable inspiration for your daily work.
Participate free of charge

Repetition: WEG accounting crash course



The webinar will provide in-depth knowledge on how to efficiently and properly manage the challenges of condominium accounting. In addition to explaining the basics such as cost allocation and the preparation of business plans, special topics such as special allocations and wage costs in accordance with §35a EStG are also covered. Furthermore, valuable tips on ongoing bookkeeping and liquidity management are provided in order to avoid typical mistakes and optimize receivables management. The legal basis and current case law for correct bookkeeping are explained in detail in order to provide participants with practical solutions for their daily challenges and to simplify and improve their WEG bookkeeping.
Participate free of charge

Automate inboxes and benefit from e-invoices



Daily mail processing costs property managers a lot of time, especially the subsequent search for documents. Many administrations still work with double filing: digital and paper. This is unnecessary and inefficient. In this webinar, you will learn how to efficiently digitize your inbox with the right strategy and the right tools. We provide concrete solutions, show best practices and explain how you can optimally integrate your existing systems (e.g. Impower, Microsoft 365, SharePoint).
Participate free of charge

VDIV Forum Future in Weimar



On March 19 and 20, 2025, Weimar will become the hotspot of the real estate industry! The Forum Zukunft offers two days full of valuable insights, innovative ideas and first-class networking opportunities. Meet thought leaders and decision-makers who are actively shaping the future of the industry - and of course we from Impower will be there too!
Participate free of charge

Cologne: ERP in focus



Decision-makers from the housing industry will meet ERP experts in Cologne, Berlin and Stuttgart. Various topics of particular topicality and relevance to the industry will be discussed in specialist presentations and panel discussions - from the benefits and limitations of ERP systems to the opportunities and risks of AI and legal aspects. Best practices and new ERP models will also be presented in elevator pitches.
Participate free of charge

Berlin: ERP in focus



Decision-makers from the housing industry will meet ERP experts in Cologne, Berlin and Stuttgart. Various topics of particular topicality and relevance to the industry will be discussed in specialist presentations and panel discussions - from the benefits and limitations of ERP systems to the opportunities and risks of AI and legal aspects. Best practices and new ERP models will also be presented in elevator pitches.
Participate free of charge




The STAY FRESH conference is the exclusive training event for the real estate industry with a focus on new knowledge. Here you can meet experts and exchange views on current topics in the real estate sector. Here you can expand your specialist knowledge and get fit for the future. Here you can talk to various players in the industry and expand your business network.
Participate free of charge

Stuttgart: ERP in focus



Decision-makers from the housing industry will meet ERP experts in Cologne, Berlin and Stuttgart. Various topics of particular topicality and relevance to the industry will be discussed in specialist presentations and panel discussions - from the benefits and limitations of ERP systems to the opportunities and risks of AI and legal aspects. Best practices and new ERP models will also be presented in elevator pitches.
Participate free of charge

VDIV German Administrators' Day in Berlin



Be there when the real estate industry gathers at the Deutscher Verwaltertag 2025! You can look forward to exciting presentations, inspiring discussions and valuable networking opportunities. The focus will be on the pressing challenges facing the industry - from digitalization and new legal frameworks to sustainable strategies. Impower will also be there to talk to you about the future of property management. We look forward to the exchange!
Participate free of charge

Become an expert in just 60-90 minutes

We address challenges and problems in the daily work of property managers and show you live and from practice how you can simplify and automate your accounting and your processes in no time. Learn to save time and money with the right use of various digital products.

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We have been able to inspire numerous property managers with our webinars.

Thank you for the interesting webinar, we are excited!

Webinar Participants

You have explained that again super today, I am happy as can be!

Webinar Participants

Thank you very much for the presentation. Was very interesting!

Webinar Participants

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Free of charge & without obligation

We believe that the industry needs a breath of fresh air. That's why we offer our webinars and training courses free of charge and without obligation - so that you can benefit and make your everyday life much easier.


Great challenges are best faced in a group of like-minded people. With our webinars, we want to connect property managers and empower them to get the most out of their processes and sustainably leverage the potential of their businesses. Let's walk this path together.

Exclusive insights

Our webinars are interactive and extremely informative. Not only do you benefit from exciting, practical content, but you also gain valuable insights from real-life experience. These insights have already contributed significantly to the success of many of the property management companies we work with.

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What our participants say

Hundreds of property managers have now joined in

I thought the appointment today was fantastic. A really great overall impression of how you can really save time with the right tools.

Webinar Participants

With you, one notices directly that you are clearly different from the current players. Especially how clean and structured the workflows are.

Webinar Participants

Thank you very much, it was very informative.

Webinar Participants

Thank you very much for the presentation. Was very interesting!

Webinar Participants

Thank you for the detailed explanation and for taking the time.

Webinar Participants

No, so really much clearer than what I have seen so far.

Webinar Participants

Choose a date and participate. We are already looking forward to seeing you.

Automate inboxes and benefit from e-invoices



Daily mail processing costs property managers a lot of time, especially the subsequent search for documents. Many administrations still work with double filing: digital and paper. This is unnecessary and inefficient. In this webinar, you will learn how to efficiently digitize your inbox with the right strategy and the right tools. We provide concrete solutions, show best practices and explain how you can optimally integrate your existing systems (e.g. Impower, Microsoft 365, SharePoint).
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VDIV Forum Future in Weimar



Offline Event
On March 19 and 20, 2025, Weimar will become the hotspot of the real estate industry! The Forum Zukunft offers two days full of valuable insights, innovative ideas and first-class networking opportunities. Meet thought leaders and decision-makers who are actively shaping the future of the industry - and of course we from Impower will be there too!
Learn more

Cologne: ERP in focus



Offline Event
Decision-makers from the housing industry will meet ERP experts in Cologne, Berlin and Stuttgart. Various topics of particular topicality and relevance to the industry will be discussed in specialist presentations and panel discussions - from the benefits and limitations of ERP systems to the opportunities and risks of AI and legal aspects. Best practices and new ERP models will also be presented in elevator pitches.
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Berlin: ERP in focus



Offline Event
Decision-makers from the housing industry will meet ERP experts in Cologne, Berlin and Stuttgart. Various topics of particular topicality and relevance to the industry will be discussed in specialist presentations and panel discussions - from the benefits and limitations of ERP systems to the opportunities and risks of AI and legal aspects. Best practices and new ERP models will also be presented in elevator pitches.
Learn more




Offline Event
The STAY FRESH conference is the exclusive training event for the real estate industry with a focus on new knowledge. Here you can meet experts and exchange views on current topics in the real estate sector. Here you can expand your specialist knowledge and get fit for the future. Here you can talk to various players in the industry and expand your business network.
Learn more

Stuttgart: ERP in focus



Offline Event
Decision-makers from the housing industry will meet ERP experts in Cologne, Berlin and Stuttgart. Various topics of particular topicality and relevance to the industry will be discussed in specialist presentations and panel discussions - from the benefits and limitations of ERP systems to the opportunities and risks of AI and legal aspects. Best practices and new ERP models will also be presented in elevator pitches.
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VDIV German Administrators' Day in Berlin



Offline Event
Be there when the real estate industry gathers at the Deutscher Verwaltertag 2025! You can look forward to exciting presentations, inspiring discussions and valuable networking opportunities. The focus will be on the pressing challenges facing the industry - from digitalization and new legal frameworks to sustainable strategies. Impower will also be there to talk to you about the future of property management. We look forward to the exchange!
Learn more